Grant Writing & Administration

Region XII Council of Governments prepares grant applications and administers funded grants for our communities. Grant applications for our local governments and their affiliated departments are prepared free of charge. Grant applications for local non-profit and other groups can be prepared by COG staff for a charge depending on the application.

The COG also administers grants awarded to cities. including those funded by the Iowa Economic Development Authority, FEMA, HUD, DOT, and USDA. The cost for grant administration varies depending on the project and the program regulations, but most administrative fees are covered under the grants themselves.

Region XII assists with grant writing for the following topics:

Community Development Grants

› FAST Act Transportation Alternatives
› Vision Iowa - Community Attraction and Tourism Program (CAT)
› Community Development Block Grants
› Economic Development Agency (EDA) Public Works and Development Facility Assistance

Infrastructure Grants

› Community Development Block Grants
› DNR Clean Water State Revolving Fund
› DNR Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) Program
› Iowa Finance Authority Planning and Design Loan
› Roads: Surface Transportation Projects
› Revitalize Iowa’s Sound Economy (RISE)

Parks – Recreations – Open Spaces Grants

› Resource Enhancement and Protection Program (REAP): City Parks and Open Space
› Resource Enhancement and Protection Program (REAP): County Conservation
› Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF)
› Transportation Alternatives
› Federal Recreation Trails Fund
› Statewide Recreational Trails Fund
› Iowa’s Living Roadways
› Trees Forever
› IDOT/DNR State Tree Planting Program
› Living Roadway Trust Fund

Other Areas

› Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program
› Dry Hydrant Grant Program


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