Grant Writing & Administration
Region XII Council of Governments prepares grant applications and administers funded grants for our communities. Grant applications for our local governments and their affiliated departments are prepared free of charge. Grant applications for local non-profit and other groups can be prepared by COG staff for a charge depending on the application.
The COG also administers grants awarded to cities. including those funded by the Iowa Economic Development Authority, FEMA, HUD, DOT, and USDA. The cost for grant administration varies depending on the project and the program regulations, but most administrative fees are covered under the grants themselves.
Region XII assists with grant writing for the following topics:
Community Development Grants
› FAST Act Transportation Alternatives
Agency Sponsoring Program: Iowa Department of Transportation, Region XII Council of Governments
Intent of Program: To fund enhancement or preservation activities of transportation-related projects. Activities fall into the following categories:
- Trails and bikeways
- Historic preservation, historic restoration, and archaeological
- Scenic and natural resources
› Vision Iowa - Community Attraction and Tourism Program (CAT)
Agency Sponsoring Program: Iowa Economic Development Authority
Application Amount: Vision Iowa has three funding streams:
- Vision Iowa provides financial assistance for development of major attractions costing at least $20 million. A maximum of $75 million is available for any one project.
- Community Attraction and Tourism (CAT) provides financial assistance for smaller projects.
- School Infrastructure $50 million is administered by the Iowa Department of Education for school infrastructure improvements.
Intent of Program: The Vision Iowa Program and the Community Attraction and Tourism (CAT) Program provide financial incentives to communities for the construction of recreational, cultural, educational, or entertainment facilities that enhance the quality of life in Iowa.
› Community Development Block Grants
Agency Sponsoring Program: United States Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, Iowa Economic Development Authority
Intent of Program:The primary purpose of the community development block grant program is the development of viable communities by providing decent housing and suitable living environments and expanding economic opportunities, primarily for persons of low and moderate income.
› Economic Development Agency (EDA) Public Works and Development Facility Assistance
Agency Sponsoring Program:Economic Development Agency (EDA), US Department of Commerce
Intent of Program:The objective is to promote long-term economic development and assist in the construction of public works and development facilities needed to initiate and support the creation or retention of permanent jobs in the private sector in areas experiencing substantial economic distress.
Infrastructure Grants
› Community Development Block Grants
Agency Sponsoring Program: United States Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, Iowa Economic Development Authority
Intent of Program:The primary purpose of the community development block grant program is the development of viable communities by providing decent housing and suitable living environments and expanding economic opportunities, primarily for persons of low and moderate income.
› DNR Clean Water State Revolving Fund
Agency Sponsoring Program: Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) and Iowa Finance Authority (IFA)
Intent of Program:The Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) loan program administered by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources may be of value to you in financing new wastewater construction projects. The CWSRF loan funds can be used by municipalities and sanitary districts to finance the design and construction of almost all publicly owned wastewater treatment and conveyance improvements.
The SRF program offers an attractive means of financing wastewater treatment improvements. The estimated interest payment savings realized using an SRF loan compared to other means of financing could be as high as $270,000 over the 20 year life of a $1,000,000 project. Besides the attractive interest rates, these loans need not tie up a city’s G.O. bonding capacity. The loan is similar to revenue bonding since user charge revenues are normally used to secure the loan.
› DNR Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) Program
Agency Sponsoring Program: Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) and Iowa Finance Authority (IFA)
Intent of Program:Iowa’s drinking water state revolving fund (SRF) program makes loans to drinking water systems for design and construction to ensure public health and provide safe drinking water. IDNR has established priorities for the SRF, and will publish them each year in its Intended Use Plan (IUP). The IUP will propose uses of money and describe how each project will be managed.
› Iowa Finance Authority Planning and Design Loan
Agency Sponsoring Program: Iowa Finance Authority (IFA)
Intent of Program:The Planning and Design Loans cover costs incurred in the planning and design phase of a proposed water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure project. These loans will have 0% interest for up to three years. There is no initiation or servicing fees. In addition, there is no minimum or maximum loan amount. Eligible costs include engineering fees, archaeological surveys, environmental or geological studies, and costs related to project plan preparation and submission.
› Roads: Surface Transportation Projects
Agency Sponsoring Program: Federal Highway Administration, Iowa Department of Transportation (IDOT), Region XII COG
Intent of Program:To aid public road jurisdictions with funding for any road or bridge projects on the federal aid system which includes all federal functional class routes except local and rural minor collector. To provide funding for transit capital improvements, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and transportation planning activities.
› Revitalize Iowa’s Sound Economy (RISE)
Agency Sponsoring Program:Iowa Department of Transportation
Intent of Program:To promote economic development in Iowa through construction or improvement of roads and streets. Projects must involve construction or improvement of public roadways.
Parks – Recreations – Open Spaces Grants
› Resource Enhancement and Protection Program (REAP): City Parks and Open Space
Agency Sponsoring Program:Iowa Department of Natural Resources
Intent of Program:Provide funding to Iowa’s communities for projects related to enhancing or creating recreational area as well as protecting natural resources.
› Resource Enhancement and Protection Program (REAP): County Conservation
Agency Sponsoring Program:Iowa Department of Natural Resources
Intent of Program:Provide funding to Iowa’s counties for projects that protect or enhance Iowa’s natural resources
› Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF)
Agency Sponsoring Program:U.S. National Park Service, Iowa Department of Natural Resources
Intent of Program:Provide financial assistance to cities and county conservation boards for acquisition and/or development of land for outdoor recreation. Projects eligible for funding include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Observation and sight-seeing facilities; including hiking, biking, equestrian, cycle, snowmobile and nature trails
- Picnic facilities, including open shelters
- Camping facilities
- Swimming facilities, including beaches, pools, bathhouses and related equipment
- Winter sports facilities, including ski runs/lifts, outdoor skating rinks, tobogganing and sliding slopes, warming huts, etc.
- Playground equipment and outdoor ports facilities such as ball fields and game courts, golf courses
- Sport shooting areas for skeet, trap, rifle, pistol and archery
- Lake and pond construction for boating, fishing and aesthetic purposes
- Landscaping and plantings for wildlife food and cover
- Renovation or redevelopment of existing facilities which have deteriorated or become outdated
- Support facilities including roads, parking, signs, walkways, utility systems, lighting, restrooms, concession buildings, trailer dumps, fences, etc.
› Transportation Alternatives
Agency Sponsoring Program:Iowa Department of Transportation, Region XII Council of Governments
Intent of Program: To fund enhancement or preservation activities of transportation related projects. Activities fall into the following categories:
- Trails and bikeways
- Historic preservation, historic restoration, and archaeological
- Scenic and natural resources
› Federal Recreation Trails Fund
Agency Sponsoring Program: Iowa Department of Transportation
Intent of Program:To provide and maintain motorized and non-motorized recreational trails and trail-related projects.
› Statewide Recreational Trails Fund
Agency Sponsoring Program: Iowa Department of Transportation
Intent of Program:To fund public recreational trails.
› Iowa’s Living Roadways
Agency Sponsoring Program: Trees Forever
Intent of Program: To assist in completing landscape projects that use primarily native trees, grasses and wildflowers
› Trees Forever
Agency Sponsoring Program:Trees Forever
Intent of Program: To assist communities in promoting tree plantings to save energy and to protect and improve the environment. Projects eligible for funding include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Selecting species and locations for plantings
- Volunteer coordination
- Tree maintenance
› IDOT/DNR State Tree Planting Program
Agency Sponsoring Program:MidAmerican Energy Company
Intent of Program: To promote energy conservation and reforestation in communities served by MidAmerican Energy through tree planting.
› Living Roadway Trust Fund
Agency Sponsoring Program:Iowa Department of Transportation
Intent of Program: To implement Integrated Vegetation Management programs (IRVM) on city, county or state rights-of-way or areas adjacent to traveled roadways. Projects eligible for funding include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Roadside inventories
- Plant materials
- Planting and maintenance materials
- Burn equipment, seeding equipment (not for tractors, trucks, or ATVs)
- Harvesting equipment (not for tractors, trucks or ATVs)
- Educational/informational materials on IRVM
Other Areas
› Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program
Agency Sponsoring Program:Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) – U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Intent of Program:Provide funding to fire departments and non-affiliated EMS departments for equipment, personal protective gear, vehicles, training, and firefighter operations and safety.
› Dry Hydrant Grant Program
Agency Sponsoring Program: Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) – Forestry Bureau
Intent of Program: Provide funding to fire departments to install hydrants in bodies of water such as farm ponds, gravel pits, lakes, etc. to be used as a source of water for fighting fires in areas void of adequate water supplies. Grant funds can be used for the purchase of dry hydrant equipment, installation, training and education on the use of dry hydrants.